Recordings and Slides:

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Metrics Workshop Recording - By Boston Scientific (June 30, 2021)

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Workshop Recording (April 19, 2021)

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Workshop Slides - By Boston Scientific (April 19, 2021)

Diversity and Inclusion Workshop Slides - By Boston Scientific (July 2020)


The Roots of White Male Culture: From the British Isles Through the American Prairie To the Boardroom - by Bill Proudman

More Resources

CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion Pledge - The CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™ aims to rally the business community to advance diversity and inclusion within the workplace.

Human Library Organization - The Human Library® is a not-for-profit learning platform, that has hosted personal conversations designed to challenge stigma and stereotypes since 2000.