Magnus Finnström

Director, Truepoint, Executive Fellow, Higher Ambition Leadership Alliance

Magnus has 20 years of international experience, both as a consultant and as a line manager, helping leaders and organizations achieve high commitment and high performance. Recent client engagements include:

  • Partnering over seven years with senior executives of a global pharmaceutical company focused on their operations unit across Europe and Asia, to build strategic management capabilities and re-align the organization during continued growth while building a High Commitment-High Performance culture.

  • Partnering with senior executives and the HR organization at a global industrial group to design and deliver performance-driven development for top 80 executives.

  • Partnering with senior executives at an international financial services company to design a new organization, align around strategic tasks and launch action learning in order to accelerate performance and transition to new ways of working.  

Magnus is an expert at creating performance and capability-focused management and leadership practices.  He has a long history and strong process orientation of helping organizations build their own management capabilities.
