Making ESG a Strategic Asset
Corporate boardrooms and the media today are abuzz about the importance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics. But what do CEOs really think about ESG? In PwC’s most recent Annual Global CEO Survey, just 22% of more than 4,000 respondents said they had made net-zero commitments. And, for now, there is a propensity to favor value creation over sustainability commitments.
Higher Ambition Leadership Alliance CEO Jeannie Diefenderfer shares her insight into making ESG more than a compliance requirement in this Strategy + Business article. Some key points include:
Transforming ESG from compliance handcuffs into a strategic weapon with which executives can propel their companies forward.
The lack of a standardized approach to measuring and monitoring ESG efforts.
Finding specific practices that will move the needle on the ESG impact measures that matter most for your organization.